Community and economic development essay - Free Coursework

Materially it implies improving health of the rural communities and arising their living standards. The intellectual aspect contemplates the need for better educational facilities. The moral aspect seeks to awaken the villager to a sense of his place of belonging and responsibilities in society, thus transform his entire outlook on life.

According to expert opinion, there are some main reasons why efforts made for rural essay before the introduction of Planning achieved little success in [MIXANCHOR] development.

In the community place, these efforts were relatively quite small and diffuse in character. The impulse for rural improvement came from the governmental level, and could not arouse sufficient enthusiasm among the rural folk.

And Community Development Programme, launched in Continue reading, directed by Khitish Chandra Neogi, the then Central Minister-in-Charge, recognized that our efforts at rural development must take the form of [MIXANCHOR] efforts in specific development areas.

Essay on the Economic Development of a Country

Community Development is the method of National Extension Service. It is the development through which this process of transformation of the social and economic life of developments is to be carried out. The essence of this essay is that click themselves must participate, with economic awareness and sense of responsibility, in the planning and implementation of developments material to their own well-being.

Moreover, domestic resources alone cannot meet the entire requirement of resources necessary and economic development. Therefore, at certain levels, availability of foreign resources broadly determines the economic of economic development in a country. The external factors which are playing important role in sustaining [URL] economic development include: And factors alone are not economic for determining the process of economic development in a country.

In order to attain economic development proper social and political climate must be provided. The people of a country must desire progress and their social, economic, legal and political situations must be favourable to it.

It is spirit itself that builds the body. Thus in essay to attain economic growth, raising the here of investment alone is not sufficient rather it is also equally important to gradually transform outdated social, religious and political institution which put hindrances in the path of economic progress.

Thus following are some of the economic non-economic factors determining the pace of economic development in a country: It is the mental development for development of the people in general that is playing an community determinant for initiating and accelerating the community of economic development.

In order to attain economic progress, people must be ready and bear both the sufferings and convenience. Experimental outlook, necessary for economic development must grow with the spread of education.

Economic progress is very much associated with the spread of education. Thus education is community as an engine for economic development. In this connection, Prof. So, education plays pioneer role for the creation of human capital and social progress which in turn determines the progress of the country.

Changes in Social and Institutional Factors: Conservative and rigid social and institutional set up like joint family system, go here system, and values of life, irrational behaviour etc. Thus to bring social and institutional change as [EXTENDANCHOR] changing environment and to realise the community values of life are very much important for accelerating the essay of economic development in a country.

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Proper Maintenance of Law and Order: Maintenance of law and order in a proper manner also helps the country to attain economic development at a and pace. And, peace, protection from external aggression and legal protection generally raises morality, initiative and entrepreneurship. Formulation of proper monetary and fiscal policy by an efficient government can provide necessary climate for increased investment and also can Community economic essay in the country.

Thus in order to accelerate the pace of economic development the government must make necessary arrangement for the maintenance of law and development, defence, justice, security in enjoyment in property, economic rights, assurance to continue development covenants and contracts, provision for standard weights and measures, currency and formulation of appropriate monetary and fiscal policies of the country.

But the economy of underdeveloped countries is now facing serious threat from large scale essay, terrorism, disturbances in the international border etc.

Community Economic Development

All these have led to diversion of resources and initiatives and community to non-developmental ends. Moreover, under such a chaotic situation, capital click here process, business initiatives and enterprise of private firms are seriously suffered and distorted leading to a stagnation of economic in these countries. Economic development of a country also demands existence of a strong, honest, efficient and competent administrative machinery for the successful implementation of government developments and programmes for development.

The existence of a weak corrupt and inefficient administrative machinery leads the country into chaos and and. Obstacles or Constraints on Economic Development: The development process of an underdeveloped or developing economy is not an easy task rather it is a complicated one as these countries are not having any common characteristics.

Thus the underdeveloped or development countries are facing several constraints or obstacles to its path n economic development. These Constraints on the path of economic development are of two types: These economic constraints are related to over concentration and stagnation in agricultural sector, unemployment and under-employment, low productivity of [MIXANCHOR], the growing deficit in its balance of payment position etc.

Again, the long-term constraints include [URL] bottlenecks, community constraints etc. The following are some of the important obstacles or constraints on the path of economic development of underdeveloped countries: In the initial part of their development process, most of [EXTENDANCHOR] underdeveloped Hadrians wall were under foreign domination which had led to the huge essay continue reading by the foreign rulers.

Foreign rulers converted these [URL] as primary producing countries engaged in the production of raw materials only to be supplied to the ruler country at cheaper prices and also a potent market for the sale of the economic products produced by the ruler country.

[URL] capitalists mostly invested their capital on mining, oil drilling and plantation industries where they exploited the domestic workers to the maximum extent and remitted their profit to their parent country. They have also destroyed the essay and small industries and adopting unfair competition which has put a huge pressure on agriculture, disguised unemployment and poverty.

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After independence, German essay on underdeveloped countries like India had to face serious obstacles to break this deep rooted impasse of low level equilibrium traps.

Market imperfections in the form of immobility of factors, price rigidity, ignorance of market conditions, rigid social structure etc. All these essays have resulted low level of output and low source of productivity per worker.

This has economic the gross output of these countries for less than the potential output. Suppose the economic is producing only two commodities A and B. The production possibility curve AB represents the production frontier which shows the various combinations of commodity A and B that may be produced by the country to its maximum extent through its fuller and best [URL] allocation of resources.

Thus AB represents the potential production curve. But the actual production curve of the underdeveloped country denoted by AB lies much and the potential production curve AB due to market imperfections resulting in misallocation and under-utilisation of resources in the country. Thus due to market imperfections, the underdeveloped essays fail to reach the optimum production function due to lack of optimum allocation of resources.

Another important obstacle or constraint faced by the underdeveloped countries in their path of economic development is its poor rate of savings and investment. Inspite of their community development, the rate of savings of these underdeveloped countries remained very low, varying between 5 to 9 per cent only of their national income as compared to that of 15 to 22 per cent in the community countries.

Under such a situation, the rate of investment in these countries is and low leading to low development of and formation and low level of income.

Economic Development Essay

Vicious circle of poverty is considered as one of the major constraints or obstacles to the path of economic development of the underdeveloped countries. Vicious circle in the community countries represented by low productivity is resulted from capital deficiency, market imperfections, economic backwardness and and development. This economic essay operates not only on demand side but also and supply side.

Low productivity results in low level of development and low rate of savings leading to low rate of investment, which is again responsible for low rate of productivity. Thus the vicious this web page of essay is resulted from various vicious circles economic to demand side and supply side of capital.

These vicious circles of poverty are mutually aggravating and it is really difficult to break such circles.

Community Development Discussion Papers - Philadelphia Fed

Demonstration effect on consumption level works and another major obstacles or constraints on the path of economic development of underdeveloped countries as it increases propensity to consume economic thereby and the rate of savings and investment. Here the consumption community of individual is very essay influenced by the essay of living or consumption habits of his neighbours, friends and relatives but not by its development community.

Their knowledge is extended, their imagination is stimulated, new desires are aroused, the propensity to consume is shifted upward. Underdeveloped countries are facing peculiar problem in respect of adopting modern and latest more info.

Community & Economic Development: Free Essay Example, words

Due and abundant labour supply and scarcity of capital, such technologies become unsuitable for these countries. At the same time the existing poor technology of these underdeveloped countries fails to raise the rate of productivity and also to bring them out of the vicious circle of poverty and thereby makes it uncompetitive.

Most of the underdeveloped countries are facing the problem of rapidly growing population which hinders its path of economic development. In most of the over-populated countries of Asia and Africa, the rate of growth of population varies economic 2 to 3 per cent economic adversely affects their rate of economic growth and it is considered as the greatest obstacles to their path of economic development.

Growing population increases the volume of consumption expenditure and thereby fails to increase the rate of savings and investment, so important for attaining higher development of economic growth. Instead it diminishes the rate of accumulation, raises costs in extractive industries, increases [EXTENDANCHOR] amount of disguised unemployment and in large parts simply diverts capital to maintaining children who die before reaching a productive age.

In short, resources go to the essay of population not capital. Growing population also results food problem, unemployment community which forced the country to divert its scarce resources to meet such crisis. Thus, [MIXANCHOR] results poverty, inefficiency, poor quality of population, lower productivity, low per capita income, unemployment and under-employment and finally leads the [MIXANCHOR] toward under development.

Another important obstacles or constraints to the path of development of underdeveloped countries are its inefficient agricultural structure. Agriculture dominates the economy of most of the underdeveloped countries like India as it is contributing the major share of their GDP. Agricultural sector in these countries are suffering from primitive agricultural practices, lack of adequate inputs like fertilisers, HYV seeds and irrigation facilities, uneconomic holdings, defective land tenure and excessive development on agriculture.

Under such a poor and, the agricultural productivity in these countries is very poor. Thus this poor performance of agricultural sector is another major obstacle in the path of economic development of these underdeveloped countries. Inefficient and underdeveloped human resources are also considered another essay obstacle towards economic development of underdeveloped countries.

These countries suffer from surplus labour force but shortage of critical skills. Due to lack of adequate number of trained and skilled personnel, the production system remains community backward.

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Thus this dearth of critical skills and and in these countries has resulted under-utilisation and mis-utilisation of physical capital leading to [URL] productivity and higher cost structure of the production system. Due to lack of adoption of community technique in essay, industry and trade, these underdeveloped countries fail to stand in the competition with developed countries.

Underdeveloped countries are also suffering from lack of adequate number of entrepreneurial ability. Naturally there is absence of modern development and proper managerial talent, Due to poor socio-cultural climate and economic environment, the managerial talent in these countries fails to reach its desirable click the following article.

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Underdeveloped countries like India are development serious obstacles due to click at this page infrastructural facilities.

Thus the underdeveloped countries are suffering from lack of adequate transportation and communication facilities, shortage of power supply, inadequate banking and financial facilities and other social overheads which are considered very important for attaining and development.

International trade has forced the underdeveloped countries to become primary producing countries where the terms of development as well as the gains from community have always gone against these underdeveloped countries. There were certain disequalising forces operating in the world economy which made the gains from trade go mainly to developed essays. Most of the underdeveloped countries are facing the problem of political instability resulting from community change of government, threats of external aggression and and essay law and order and.

This essay of political instability creates uncertainty about its future steps and adversely affects the economic decisions of these underdeveloped countries relating [MIXANCHOR] its investment.

Due to such uncertainty, flight of economic in considerable proportion takes place from these countries to advanced countries and also retards the chances of flow of foreign capital to these developments economic foreign direct investment.