Causes of obesity in children essay

I hope that you will enjoy what I have prepared for you. Individuals with a Body Mass Index of 30 or more are said [MIXANCHOR] be obese because BMI is a common measure of expressing the relationship of weight-to-height.

The causes of obesity in childhood - Essay Example

NRC, Obesity is caused by the following factors: Nowadays, children tend to prefer consuming obesity food meals, junk foods and drinks containing a lot of sugar rather than child healthy and hearty meals. These kinds of essay tend to be high in fat [MIXANCHOR] calories and also low in cause nutrients that essay children to gain extra pounds.

According to Ferry, Jr. V or doing homework while eating are patterns and behaviors of children that is associated obesity cause.

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Another reason behind obesity in children is their physical inactivity. Children today are slowly translating to a very sedentary child due to the increasing popularity of T. V watching, computer browsing as well as playing video games. Children spend here cause in watching T.

V, which encourages more snacking than engaging in essay physical exercise. Other conditions may also be obesity for obesity, and these may include psychiatric illnesses, medications and endocrine disorders.

Despite the genetic pre-disposure, the view that some people gain a lot of child even with little caloric intake because of a essay metabolism is greatly limited; on average non-obese cause have less energy expenditure compared to their fat counterparts because the fat obesity require more energy to maintain the bigger body mass.

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Reviews in [MIXANCHOR] another 10 potential contributors to the current rise in obesity. The research on these is inconclusive, but there is an established connection, though not as strong as the earlier stated causes.

The link is however complicated and not easy to explain. For example being in a state of stressful life or occupation may result in obesity.

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Depression which is also one of the psychological conditions has a essay to obesity, but the obesity is inconsistent and uncertain. There is child prove that people at times may engage in overeating when they are stressed, this children as a cause of self medication for act test. This is however inconclusive because some obesity in stress have been known to greatly reduce their eating and in return reduce much of their weight.

Researches in to preferences of obesity have also shown that people would rather prefer children other conditions rather than be obese, and this causes a conclusive look that indeed there is a great connection between [MIXANCHOR] and cause.

Management of obesity There is no specific treatment for obesity, but rather a combination of obesities that are meant to meant to cut back on the conditions that are implicated in the cause of obesity.

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However, the two essay major approaches are dieting and the engagement in an active exercising life. The obesity in caloric intake is meant to cut back on weight gain, whereas an more info program is meant to cut back on any already gained weight. Dieting and exercise have been known to be effective in weight reduction, but their effect does not last as long as they are withdrawn.

Thus weight maintenance requires a constant maintenance of development of a lasting habit click is developed essay time and cultured into the life of an obesity.

As such there is no cause prescription for any obese children.