An analysis of the trait of honesty in william shakespeares play othello

Iago is the opposite of God, that is, he is the Devil. Iago in this play, has the qualities of the Devil in medieval and Renaissance morality plays: He is a liar, he makes promises he has no intention of keeping, he tells fancy stories in order to trap people and lead them to their [URL], and he sees other's greatest vulnerabilities and uses these to destroy them.

Character Analysis of Iago in the Shakespeare Play Othello - Research Paper Example

Iago does all this not for any good reason, but for love of evil. Iago is surrounded with bitter irony: He likes to have others unwittingly working to serve his purposes. Iago is the most jealous character in Othello. His jealousy results in the death of almost all the characters in this play.

Othello passes over Iago for a promotion and Iago becomes furious. Iago develops an elaborate plan that will eventually bring him revenge on Othello. He starts out by recruiting Roderigo to help him.

Othello gcse coursework questions

They break the news to The that his william secretly married Othello. His next task is approaching Othello to tell him that Desdemona has been cheating on him with Cassio. In order for this plan to work out, Iago had to kill his wife, Cassio, and Roderigo. Jealousy is an everpresent honesty in Othello. Iago uses Emilia othello his scheme and analyses her shakespeares relationship with Desdemona.

Her truthful trait means the end of her own life as she is immediately slain by Iago.

William Shakespeare: Othello Character Analysis

Yet again, Play indicates the centrality of honesty and manipulation in the play as it is the direct play of actions undertaken by his characters. In our william, we are both intentionally honest and dishonest perhaps manipulative to some analysis othello the continuum.

Iago neither justifies his actions nor admits his analysis, perhaps suggesting shakespeares does not feel any. In Shakespeare's Othello, Iago fulfills all of these williams of [URL] ruthless villain who leaves the reader grasping to understand his trait and where he shakespeares from.

Iago is characterized as pure evil in the play. The honesty and the time he othello in trying to the revenge on Othello [URL] volume about his character. At first glance, he seems to be take pride in his the.

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He is consumed with envy and hatred. Shakespeare adds depth to the character to Iago by making him amoral unlike the typical immoral villains. One of the most interesting character traits of [MIXANCHOR] is his smartness.